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Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out When You’re Just Not Feeling It

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First of all, if getting yourself to the gym is too time-consuming and preventing you from getting your workout in, you should know by now that bodyweight training at home or outdoors is the answer. You can truly transform your body using your own body weight and we have the success stories to prove it. So now what’s holding you back?
Getting started is the hardest part. We get so caught up in our head thinking about how much preparation, work, time and effort has to go into a fitness routine that we make it a bigger hurdle than it actually is. It’s only 20-60 minutes of your day, and it doesn’t even need to be every day. It’s time to break those mental barriers and get our sweat on, right?

Here are 7 no-nonsense ways to motivate yourself to get sweaty even on those days you can’t even.

1. Put your workout clothes on
Don’t think about it, just get dressed. You’re not going to just plop yourself on the couch after having put your training clothes on. Find something that fits you and makes you feel good when you wear it. Bright colors or all black, whatever you prefer.
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2. Write down how you feel after all your workouts
Keep a little journal and write down how you feel after your workouts. That way you can go back and take a look at those awesome feelings when you’re just not feeling in the mood. Generally, we want to skip our workout because we’re tired, busy, low-energy and have too many things to do. But when
you’re done working out – hello endorphins! You’ll probably write things down like: I feel great, I am so happy I finished that workout, I have so much energy, I feel so strong! I don’t know about you, but those are the feelings I want to have.

3. Variety, variety, variety
Don’t do the same workout all the time. Mix it up! You can go for a run or a bike ride, do some bodyweight training (with over 180 exercises!) using the Results app, hit your abs hardcore with the Six Pack app or work out with me on YouTube!

4. Get in the habit of putting your workouts in your calendar
Every single week I put my workouts in my calendar. They are appointments so that people know I am busy during that time. If I don’t get my workout in, I am not going to be the best employee, colleague or girlfriend. I need this “me” time in order to be my best self for others. You need this too – put it in your calendar!

5. Surround yourself with motivation
You need to hang around with people that make you feel capable of reaching your goals. You also need to write down your goals and motivational quotes in places you will see them. I have mine on my desk, in my bathroom at home, on my vision board and as the background on my phone. People often ask me: “How do you stay so motivated all the time.” I am not motivated all the time, but I consistently cultivate a motivating environment for myself (quotes and people) so that I know I can even when I don’t necessarily feel like it.

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6. Join a group workout
Working out in a group makes everything better! You have friends that you’re meeting up with and people to encourage you through those tough exercises. Here at Runtastic, we trained as an entire company for 12 weeks when testing out the Results app. Consider getting your colleagues or a group of friends together for a sweat session or join a Results Group in your area. You can create Groups in the Runtastic app as well! Strike up some friendly competition with colleagues or friends and find out who can run the farthest.

7. Stop eating crap
When you eat unhealthy, processed and high-sugar foods, it doesn’t make your body feel energized. These foods make you feel tired, lazy, unmotivated and grumpy – no mojo! Plus, your workouts are not going to help you reach your goals if you’re not staying on top of your nutrition, too. Start by whipping up this insanely delicious peanut butter post-workout smoothie after you’ve completed your workout. It’s so yummy that it tastes like a treat.

The bottom line is you have to train your motivation like a muscle. It’s not going to be around all of the time. Even people like me who eat, sleep and breathe fitness have down times. This is normal and okay, but not taking the time to move your body is not okay. One step at a time, I believe in you!

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