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Showing posts from January, 2018

Senior Exercise and Fitness Tips Part 1

"No Matter Your Age, It’s Never Too Late to Get Started" There are many reasons why we tend to slow down and become more sedentary with age. It may be due to health problems, weight or pain issues, or worries about falling. Or perhaps you think that exercising simply isn’t for you. But as you grow older, an active lifestyle becomes more important than ever to your health. Getting moving can help boost your energy, maintain your independence, protect your heart, and manage symptoms of illness or pain as well as your weight. And regular exercise is also good for your mind, mood, and memory. No matter your age or your current physical condition, these tips can show you simple, enjoyable ways to become more active and improve your health and outlook. What are the benefits of exercise for older adults? A recent Swedish study found that physical activity was the number one contributor to longevity, adding extra years to your life—even if you don’t start exercising until your s

Hilarious Exercise Workouts You’ve Ever Seen

Nobody looks good when they’re doing sweaty, strenuous exercise workouts. Case in point: I was out shopping with friends a few weeks ago, and this guy stopped me and said, “Oh, don’t you go to the YWCA?” When I said yes (naturally thinking he remembered me because I look extremely hot in my little mini-shorts), he said, “Yeah, sometimes I worry about you when you turn super red on the treadmill!” I nearly died, but then I thought about how gross and generally miserable everyone else looks at the gym, and decided it was no big. If you feel a little silly doing your exercise workouts (and who doesn’t), check out these five super funny videos of the most ridiculous fitness routines ever. You never realized you looked so good working up a sweat! Seriously, the dude in the yellow pants can’t help but laughing. Source:

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out When You’re Just Not Feeling It

Buy Energy Drink First of all, if getting yourself to the gym is too time-consuming and preventing you from getting your workout in, you should know by now that bodyweight training at home or outdoors is the answer. You can truly transform your body using your own body weight and we have the success stories to prove it. So now what’s holding you back? Getting started is the hardest part. We get so caught up in our head thinking about how much preparation, work, time and effort has to go into a fitness routine that we make it a bigger hurdle than it actually is. It’s only 20-60 minutes of your day, and it doesn’t even need to be every day. It’s time to break those mental barriers and get our sweat on, right? Here are 7 no-nonsense ways to motivate yourself to get sweaty even on those days you can’t even. 1. Put your workout clothes on Don’t think about it, just get dressed. You’re not going to just plop yourself on the couch after having put your training clothes on. Find some

10 golden rules to help you take care of your skin on an everyday basis.

Buy Beauty Products Some habits are essential in order to care for your skin and have a radiant complexion all year long. Whatever your skin type, here are the ten essential habits ! Rule 1 : Specific care for each skin type. In order to take care of and respect your skin, first and foremost make sure to choose products specially designed for your skin type. Dry skin does not have the same needs as oily skin. Rule 2: Pay special attention to fragile areas . Some parts of your face (eye contour, lips, etc.) have particularly fine, fragile skin. They need specific care, especially the eye contour and the lips. These areas of your face are more sensitive and deserve special attention. Rule 3: Gentle cleansing . Taking care of sensitive skin begins with make-up removal.  In order not to stress your skin and to respect its natural balance, make sure to use a pH-neutral make-up remover, specially formulated to cleanse your epidermis gently. Rule 4: Eyes: a risk area. The

10 tips to exercise safely

Exercising regularly has wide-ranging physical, emotional and social health benefits. You need to exercise safely to remain healthy and injury-free. If it’s safe and painless, you’re more likely to stick to it! Safety is about using common sense, understanding basic techniques and listening to your body.  See your doctor for a check-up before embarking on a physical activity program. Your doctor, physiotherapist or local sporting club can offer you tips about staying safe while exercising.  Here are some tips to stay safe and injury-free: Be aware of your body .  Think about how the particular exercise is making you feel. If something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately and seek medical advice. Warm up and cool down .  Try slow stretches and go through the motions of your sport or activity before starting. Cool down with slow stretching. Pace yourself .  Have at least one recovery day each week to rest. If you are experiencing pain, rest until the pain has gone. Mix it up .  Tr

Get Rid of Peeling Skin on Face From Sunburn

Painful Skin Most people will experience mild sunburn at least once during the course of a lifetime. Even a short exposure to the sun while skin is unprotected can lead to a painful and irritated burn. Usually within a few days, your sunburn will begin to fade and peel. You may be tempted to quickly pull off the loose and unsightly skin, but you need to be careful. Improperly removed sunburned skin can lead to further irritation, scarring and infection. You can properly remove peeling skin from a sunburn if you take it slow and follow certain steps.  Steps to Remove Peeling Skin Take a lukewarm bath. Avoid hot water, as that can irritate your peeling skin further. In contrast, a lukewarm bath will soothe sunburned skin and can loosen the peeling skin for easy removal. Try to bathe once or twice per day. Use either a soft washcloth or a disposable cleansing cloth to gently wipe the peeling skin. This will remove any very loose pieces without harming the healthy skin undernea

Health Benefits of Sleep

Go ahead, snooze! Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more. "Sleep used to be kind of ignored, like parking our car in a garage and picking it up in the morning," says David Rapoport, MD, director of the NYU Sleep Disorders Program. Not anymore. Here are some health benefits researchers have discovered about a good night’s sleep. Improve memory Your mind is surprisingly busy while you snooze. During sleep you can strengthen memories or "practice" skills learned while you were awake (it’s a process called consolidation). "If you are trying to learn something, whether it’s physical or mental, you learn it to a certain point with practice," says Dr. Rapoport, who is an associate professor at NYU Langone Medical Center. "But something happens while you sleep that mak

Skin Care tips

Feel-Good Skin Care Tip: Get Some Rest The key to not looking tired? It's…not being tired! Easier said than done, we know. Do whatever you can to get in seven to eight hours a night and your skin—including those pesky undereye bags!—will look noticeably better. Trust us: Sleep offers the kind of results that no face cream can mimic. Snack on Citrus Need a little detox? Lemons support your liver and kidneys, and there's a clear connection between healthy organs and healthy skin. Vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges may help prevent wrinkles, too. Learn more beauty tips by clicking this link.   Massage In Your Moisturizer When we say massage, we mean massage. Rather than dabbing on your face cream, use gentle pressure, massaging it into your skin in a circular motion. Do the same when you wash your face. This simple trick will kick your circulation into high gear. Plus, it feels so good. Source:

Get Rosy White Skin Part 2

Get this product using this link Use skin lightening products — with care .  Skin lightening products with hydroquinone or kojic acid reduce the amount of melanin in the skin when applied. [1] These can be effective, but they come with certain risks: Skin whitening products have been associated with toxic levels of mercury, and therefore, with mercury poisoning. The FDA regulates the use of hydroquinone in the U.S, and so it's relatively safe. 1 out of every 4 skin whitening agents from China, however, contains mercury, and so should be used with caution. Be careful about sun exposure when using skin whitening agents. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. [1]  Always use appropriate sunscreen and other sun protection when exposed to sunlight. Bleaching agents can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people. Bleaching agents with steroids, such as kojic acid, may put you at risk for health problems associated with stero

Get Rosy White Skin Part 1

Increase your Vitamin C intake.  This enhances skin color and suppleness. This will help  keep your skin strong by maintaining its basic support structure—collagen. You can increase Vitamin C intake by: Eating more foods that contain Vitamin C. This includes citrus fruits like lemon, orange, gooseberry, etc. Fruits/juices, strawberries, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, and green peas. Taking Vitamin C pills. If you chose to do it this way, you should take 250 mg/day. Do not go beyond this amount. Eat more Vitamin A.  Since your skin is basically composed of Retinol, which is Vitamin A, this will help keep your skin healthy and strong. If you feel your skin is weak or not tight enough, that usually suggests a lack of Vitamin A. Foods that are high in Vitamin A include nonfat milk, oysters, and egg yolks. You can also get Vitamin A by eating foods that are high in beta carotene, which will help minimize the effects of sun damage to your skin. These include carrots,